Saturday, February 16, 2013

Save the Date: April 12-14, 2013 for a Spring Spiritual Intensive

Save the date: April 12-13-14, 2013 for a Spring spiritual intensive to jump start your personal practice!

Many advocates of having a personal practice will smile serenely and tell you this means you will have balance, personal peace, and enough zen to cover your house. Yay for zen wallpaper!

We will tell you that having an effective personal practice means reaching to your core, grabbing a handful of your deepest Self, pulling it out and examining it under a bright light.

Are you looking for a practice that will kick your ass? Transform you? Change your life? Then you need this! You need BOOTCAMP!

Join us for Nettles to Nirvana: A Personal Practice Bootcamp! (See what we did there? You'll still get your zen wallpaper. It just may have some rips in it.) Our weekend intensive will take you on a deep and focused journey to develop and sustain a meaningful personal practice that will transform you, and thus your life.

Are you ready for Bootcamp?

- an open heart
- a sense of humour

A "you decide" sliding scale of $75-$150 includes the weekend of instruction and supplies. You decide where you fall on the scale, no explanation needed. Because we wish for The Work to reach all who are called: if the sliding scale is out of your reach but you wish to attend, please contact us privately at Limited partial and full scholarships available.

Pittsburgh, PA; traveling participants welcome

(A full class description will soon be available. For more information, email