Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Benefit By Doing

Today, I am home sick. More accurately, I am working from home...while sick. Head colds are awful, and I think I picked this one up while riding the bus, as I am new to public transportation, and thus my immune system is like that of a baby at the first week of daycare.

I digress.

A sizable piece of my job is dealing with the company's social media. I spend a good portion of my time posting on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. This reminded me that it has been a while since my last post here, on my own bibbity-bobbity-bloggy.

A big theme in my life as of late has been actively working toward manifesting the reality that I would like to live, day to day. So, today, I spent a period of time working on my own social media campaigns- specifically, I did some work getting the Facebook page for my tarot business closer to publication. (Soon, very soon, it will be ready.) I also did a bit of advertising for the Elements of Magic weekend intensive I'll be teaching this October with the lovely Pamela. (If you know of anyone that might be interested in attending, please pass the information along to them!)

Today, my job reminded me to do my Work. I guess this is an example of elegant manifesting, yes? I do like it when the areas of my life cross the streams, so to speak.

And now, I shall go and lie down and rest, so I can feel better tomorrow. Toodles!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Time to Get Up!

Whew! This summer is busting my butt! Still, there's not a lot of fodder for complaint. I started a new job this week, though, and I'm working my way through the sludge of "I don't know what I'm doing"s and "I'm totally overwhelmed"s, which doesn't leave a lot of time for my typical navel gazing.

I am present, though...very present to most moments. This week has been an eternity, mostly in good ways. Most everything was (and still is) new this week. I started taking the bus to work every day, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm working downtown, and I'm still getting used to that aspect of my day. I'm in a new office with a brand new office culture, and I'm working to stay in the moment and honor my personal boundaries while working toward excellence. My routine with J has shifted, too - he also changed places of employment, and is working all sorts of different hours during the week.

Life is unpredictable right now, and it feels good. Even the bumps and skinned knees that come with learning a new course feel appropriate and necessary. I feel awake.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Elements of Magic Class, October 2012

Elements of Magic Class:  October 20-21, Pittsburgh, PA

With the art of magic, we deepen our vision and focus our will, empowering ourselves to act in the world. In this class we begin the practice of Magic, Witchcraft, and Goddess spirituality by working with the Elements of Magic: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit.

Techniques include: visualization, sensing and projecting energy, chanting, trance, creating magical space, spellcraft, and structuring rituals. Group experience follows feminist consensus process. We hope to provide a fair and nurturing environment for all participants.

The intensive is structured as a ritual, and includes practical ritual and magical skills. Elements of Magic allows us to explore these skills in a supportive group setting. This class is a great way to connect with other people exploring Reclaiming-tradition magic and witchcraft.

We welcome both beginning students, and advanced students who want to deepen their experience of the sacred elements.

Prerequisite: Reading of the first six chapters of The Spiral Dance by Starhawk. We ask that applicants be committed to attending both days of the intensive.

(description of the class courtesy of

About the instructors:

Lora: As a Feri/Reclaiming Witch Lora’s passions are community building, divination, ecstatic ritual, poetry, and whatever good book has currently captured her attention. Committed to teaching in the Pittsburgh pagan community, Lora brings her experiences in leadership training, small group facilitation, tarot, trance techniques, and ritual arts to the teaching table.

Pamela: A non-trad identified Witch until I met Kin in 2009 and began to focus on the Reclaiming/Feri path. Leadership Team member of a local CUUPs group and of a monthly Pagan Spirituality class for almost 8 years. Transitional magic surrounding life/death/rebirth and transformational magic particularly working with shadow energy are my areas of grace. I believe laughter is one of our most effective magical tools.

Date:  Saturday, October 20, and Sunday, October 21, 2012

Time: Saturday, October 20th, 10am-5pm; Sunday, October 21st, 10am-5pm. Breaks and a lunch hour will be worked into the intensive.

Location: Private Residence, Friendship/Pittsburgh area

Cost: $75-$150, sliding scale

***Deadline for registration: Saturday, October 6th***

Things to Bring to Class:
- Spiral Dance by Starhawk
- water bottle
- notebook and pen
- a curious attitude and an open mind

Workshop participants are expected to attend all classes. Space is limited, first come, first served!

Interested? Email with the following:
- preferred name and contact information
- a short statement describing what interests you about the class/why you would like to attend