Sunday, March 24, 2013

Power in Mystery

Some Rights Reserved by USFWS Pacific Southwest Region
I recently signed up to take a sacred branding class using spirit animals, created and facilitated by the lovely Kelly Eckert. And to be honest, I was somewhat skeptical at first, as I was thinking "Business branding? With spirit animals?" And I know, I know, you all are probably like "You of all people are skeptical about spirit animals?" but yes, even I have my moments.


The class is really wonderful, and I'm getting a lot out of it. We did a guided meditation to find our spirit animal yesterday, and a totally unexpected ally came to me:  Fox. And Fox is really potent energy for me right now, and totally aligned with the changes I am making with my life and my Life's Work.

I keep hearing the phrase "crazy like a fox" in my head. I'm hearing that I need to be able to retreat and withdraw when I need to, to stay at the edges and observe. I am learning that Silence is Powerful, that there is Power in Mystery, and that I don't have to reveal everything. Revelation is something that can't be forced.

So, yeah, spirit animals for business branding - who knew it would work so well? I'm excited to see what the rest of this class will bring.

Are you working with something that is pushing your boundaries or running into your skepticism? How does it feel?

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today, I'm grateful for:

1. J, my lovely life partner
2. Porky, my four-legged-n-furry lovely life partner
3. Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies
4. Gluten-free sugar cookies from Gluuteny
5. The perspective and distance that time can bring

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Wisdom of Pattern

Some Rights Reserved by CC Chapman
I really want to write something tonight, but I find myself at a loss, with no serious thoughts/observations of my own to share - though I will nudge you toward reading this amazing post by Danielle LaPorte on building a spiritual practice. (So good!)

I suppose I do have this to say:  I am grateful for the pause. The gears feel like they are in sync. Possibility is just around the corner.  And I know I won't feel this way forever, but right now, I have a needed break in the intensity that comes with growth and change. I have a moment to pause and reflect.

Sometimes, life feels right, and I get a moment to breathe a thank you to the gods.

There is time to reap.  There is wisdom in the pattern.

What part of the ebb/flow cycle are you in? How do you know?

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Good. The Bad. The Real.

You are sometimes radiant. You are sometimes stagnant. You are transient.

Put your self on display. Taste the real. Paint with all the colors in the palette.  

There will always be critics. The voice in your head is merely a soundtrack. What station do you listen to?

None of it matters. All of it matters.

Get your warpaint on for a life of love. Love is not for the faint of heart.

Walk the graveyard and ask, "Where should I be right now?"

Are you there? 

How about now?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

When Change Comes Slowly

Pick up the stones
one at a time.
Build your monument
toward the kneeling sky.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

We Want You!

Spring Is Coming. I Promise You That Much.

Some Rights Reserved by nutmeg66
Spring is coming.

You may not believe it, though you pray for it in your bones. You may not believe it, though you sing for it with your blood.

Get ready.

River Roberts, in her article The Courage of Spring, writes,

... when I truly thought about it, I realized that spring is far from young and fragile.  It takes great courage to crack through the ice and be that first crocus that peeks through the mounds of snow.  It takes strength to be the season that promises life after death.  When Persephone returns to the world of the living, it is not just the return of warmth and abundance that we celebrate–it is the courage and power it takes to make that journey back.

I know you have it in you.