Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Stay on Path: Morning Existential Crisis Reminder

Some Rights Reserved by greg groovy
It seems that it is now de rigueur to have an existential crisis each and every morning:

"What am I doing?"

"What has meaning?"

"What is my real work?"

"Is this my real life?"

"Why do I drink so many lattes?"

I listen to Pema Chödrön audiobooks on the bus to work; she tells me that these thoughts/feelings are signposts, that my ego is experiencing the fundamental ambiguity of life. She tells me that sitting with these thoughts and feelings is the experience of Buddha nature.

...and it comforts me, a little, to think of Buddha, counting his lattes, gently weeping while collating papers and making bookkeeping adjustments in QuickBooks.

Today, it comforts me just enough.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Call for Guest Bloggers

Hey, y'all!

I am looking for some awesome guest bloggers to write about spirituality and passion and how they manifest/intersect in their lives. I'm interested in hearing from people of all spiritual backgrounds.

If you're interested in guest blogging, please email me at

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Staring Into The Abyss, Choosing Not To Ride The Ride: Loving The Sanity Of The 12 Steps

Some Rights Reserved by What What
I'm not sure where this post is going to go, but I do know that I need to write something about how I am feeling today, how grateful I am for the 12 Steps in dealing with my codependency, how grateful I am that recovery is possible, and how aware I am of the fragility of my codependent sobriety. This work has helped me notice when I'm staring into the abyss, and given me the tools to choose a different path.