Thursday, June 30, 2011

Full of Life

AttributionNoncommercialShare Alike Some rights reserved by Roger Lynn
The seed that is to grow
must lose itself as seed;
And they that creep
may graduate through 
chrysalis to wings.

Wilt thou then, O mortal,
cling to husks which
falsely seem to you
the self?
~Wu Ming Fu, Twelfth Century

It's not so much about being prepared for death as it is being full of life. I want to be so well practiced in crossing thresholds that dying is merely another step in the dance. i want to be so comfortable with stillness and silence that I can root in them. ~ Dawna Markova, "I Will Not Die an Unlived Life"

Admittedly, I can be a turd. I am not always Suzy Sunshine and I am definitely not the person who always looks on the positive side of things. I generally think of myself as a Refreshingly Honest Person, but sometimes I overshoot and I end up being an Oversharing Bummer of a Person.

I have come to find that all I need to turn my attitude around is a little health scare.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dream a Little Dream with Me

AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by Temari 09
"When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate." - Carl G. Jung

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

I've been thinking about how we make our own our expectations and beliefs are mirrored back to us in the world around us. We see what exists...and what exists is a combination of our thoughts and fears, hopes and expectations and everyone else's thoughts/fears/hopes/expectations/beliefs/etc. We are the kings and queens of our own little kingdoms, ruling with wisdom and ignorance, dancing up against other kings and queens, constantly jostled about.


AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by xsphotos

cashmere morning mist
dusted bronze haystack bathed in
white light, liquid sky

AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by Fungman

white willow, woodsmoke
bittersweet winter oak sighs
gray earth, gray morning

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Post About How I've Not Posted In A While

Attribution Some rights reserved by andrewr
Yes, my lovelies, I have been doing other things. What other things, you ask? Well, aside from fretting about getting my car inspected and paying out the wazoo to get that accomplished, I've been doing the usual stuff...with one little additional thing.

I've been trying to reclaim my life from the clutches of the internets.

I am sure I really don't have to explain this- it's pretty easy for the modern individual to get caught up in Facebook updates and constant email checking and blog reading etc. etc. etc. I've been fighting the good fight and trying to do something other than plop down in front of my computer and clickety clack my life away at a keyboard. So I've been taking walks...and reading...and cooking...and stuff like that.

Still, I do miss blogging about things that are of interest/importance to me, and I can feel Pretty Darn Good about blogging because it is a Way to Foster a Writing Habit. So, I will be coming back to the blog and hopefully writing more consistently. My overall goal is to reduce my Facebook consumption and increase my blogging output.

Would you like to help me, readers?  I'm sure you would!

If you are reading, and enjoy what you read here, comment on this post to just say hi.  I am curious to see who is out there, reading this blog and coming back to it (because if my statistics are to be believed, there's a small group of lovelies out there that stop here once in a while).

Thanks in advance, honeybadgers!

Oh How I LOLed